Power Engineering and Automation of Metallurgy Industry

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Ualiev, Zhomart, <span lang="EN-US">Satbayev University</span>
Ubaseva, Mariya, Chuvash State University, Power Systems Automation Department, Research and Production Enterprise EKRA
Ubaydullayeva, Dilorom,
Ubaydullayeva, Shakhnoza,
Ubaydullayeva, Shakhnoza, Tashkent institute of irrigation and agricultural mechanization engineers; Kori Niyoziy Street, 39, 100000 Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Uchaev, Danil, South Ural State University
Uchevatkina, Nadezda Vladymirovna, <span>Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow Polytechnic University"</span>
Udovichenko, Aleksey Vjacheslavovich, Novosibirsk state technical university
Ufimtcev, Maxim
Ugarov, Gennady
Ukhanova, Anastasia,
Ukhanova, Maria, Ulyanovsk State Technical University
Ukhobotov, Viktor Ivanovich, South Ural State University
Ukraintsev, Alexander Valerivich, Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI)
Ulanov, Aleksey, South Ural State University
Ullah, Azmat, Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia, 195251
Ulyanov, Vladimir
Ulybyshev, Sergey Kosntantinovich, Kostroma State University
Umarova, Marem, <a href="http://english.vladggu.ru/index.php?option=com_content&amp;view=article&amp;id=4193:ggntuyiamm-groznyenskyiy-gosudarstvyennyy-nyeftyanoy-tyekhnyichyeskyiy-unyivyersyityet-yimyenyi-akadyemyika-md-myillyionshchyikova&amp;catid=60:ped-uchebnie-zaved
Umnitsyn, Mikhail, Volgograd State University
Umurzakov, Ildar, Department of Wheeled and Tracked Vehicles South Ural State University
Umurzakov, Ildar, <span><span>Кафедра колесных и гусеничных машин </span></span><br /><span><span>Южно-Уральский государственный университет</span></span><br /> (Russian Federation)
Unchikova, Marina, Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Upolovnikova, Alena, Institute of Metallurgy of Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Ekaterinburg, Russia
Urakseev, Marat Abdullovich, <p>Ufa State Petroleum Technological University 1 Kosmonavtov St. Ufa 450062 RUSSIA www.rusoil.net</p><p>Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Ufa, Russia</p><p><br /><br /></p>

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Power Engineering and Automation of Metallurgy Industry