International Ural Conference on Electrical Power Engineering

Browse Author Index

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Hajrullo, Saforzoda Abdulloi,
Hamed, Hany, Innopolis University
Han, Chao, Northeast Electric Power University
Hardt, Wolfram,
Hazipov, Ilnar, Kazan Federal University
Hein, Zaw, National Research University of Electronic Technology, Moscow
Heiss1, Eduard, Digital Control Systems Laboratory,<sup> </sup>Department of Automatic Control Systems, Tula State University, Tula, Russia
Hereinstein, Elena Arkadyevna, <p><em>South Ural State University (national research University)</em></p><p><em><em>Dep. of Mathematics, mechanics and computer technology</em><br /></em></p>
Hoang, Tuan Duc
Hoang Van, Va, EVN Information Technologies
Hoodorozhkov, Sergey Ivanovich,
Hoodorozhkov, Sergey Ivanovich,
Hots, Alexander, Vladimir state university named after Alexander Grigorjevich and Nikolay Grigorjevich Stoletov (VlSU)
Hou, Tianyu, Bauman Moscow State Technical University phD
Htet, Htun Myat, Moscow power engineering institute, Department of Hydropower and Renewable Energy Sources, Ph.D student, Moscow, Russia.
Htet, Zaw Win, National Research University Of Electronic Technology
Hu, Yuhui
Hua, Mingang, College of Internet of Things Engineering Hohai University, Changzhou, 213022, China
Hua, Mingang, Hohai University
Huan, Nguen Van, Irkutsk National Research Technical University
Huan, Nguyen Van, Irkutsk National Research Technical University
Huang, Xinhao, College of Energy and Power Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China
Hussain, Mushtaq, <p class="Author"><span>Mushtaq Hussain received his PhD from the school of Computer Engineering and Science at Shanghai University, China. He received his MS (IT) Degree from Institute of Business &amp; Management Science (IBMS), Agricultural University

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The International Ural Conference on Electrical Power Engineering